
Showing posts from 2013

Furniture design for 'Forever Flawless' shop

Furniture design project for 'Forever Flawless' shop in Edinburgh on Rose Street. Projekt mebli i wnętrza sklepu 'Forever Flawless' w Edynburgu. projektant/design by Helena Michel ( Michel Design ) wykonawca/carpenter: Damian Serwa i Marcin Zaborski (Wool Hummer) photos: Damian Serwa, Helena Michel

Shop Design in Edinburgh by Michel Design

Interior design of the "Forever Flawless Cosmetics" shop situated in Edinburgh on Rose Street. Overal interior design and furnitures design made by Helena Michel (Michel Design ). Black and white fusion, timelles classic style. Diamonds were the keynote, and the inspiration for the creation of this store.  Designer: Helena Michel Company Name: Forever Flawless Cosmetics, Edinburgh Carpenter: Dobroprojekt Projekt sklepu "Forever Flawless Cosmetics" mieszczącego się na Rose Street w Edynburgu, Szkocja. Nowoczesna klasyka, biel i czerń w roli głównej. Zarówno wnętrze jak i wszystkie meble i detale zostały zaprojektowane indywidualnie do tej przestrzeni. Projektant: Helena Michel (Michel Design) Inwestor: Forever Flawless Cosmetics, Edynburg Stolarz: Dobroprojekt 

Design of the Staircases in Gdansk, Poland

Architecture and interior design of the staircase in a newly built residential building in Gdansk, Poland. Interiors arranged in the style of "modern classics". The inspiration for the creation of these spaces are classic interiors that echo is reflected today in such periodic areas of Gdansk, such Wrzeszcz and Oliwa. Stucco walls and suspended ceiling covered by a wallpaper.  Black-and-white photographs hanged on the walls, taken by the author of the design project: Helena Michel and also by Marcin Pawłowski. Walls cladding and mirrors designed by Michel Design were made by carpenter Konrad Ordecki. Light shade of the wood of the wall cladding contrasts with the warmth shades of brown oak door. The light hidden behind decorative cornices of the ceilings emphasizes texture of the wallpaper and adds cozy warmth to the entire space. Design by Michel Design Developer: Przedsiębiorstwo Budowlane RAI Carpenter: Konrad Ordecki Photos by Marcin Pawłowski Projekt zabud...

Interior Design of the house in Brisbane, Australia

Interior and furniture design of the private residence situated in Brisbane, Australia. Two design proposals. The house consist large open space living and game room. Work in progress. Design by Michel Design Projekt wnętrz, zabudowy kominka i mebli domu znajdującego się w Brisbane w Australii. Projekt zawiera dwie propozycje zaaranżowania otwartego planu salonu i przestrzeni do zabawy, które zostały połączone w jedną spójną całość. Projekt w trakcie realizacji. Autor: Helena Michel